About me

“Hello there I’m Marian Byrne and welcome to my website. I’m passionate about helping people to live life to the full through my work as a coach, facilitator and author.”

I work with people to help them be their personal best and to live life to the full, both in using their potential and enjoying the process.

I began this journey in 2002 by starting a diploma course on the day of my 40th birthday which has become my passion, purpose and business and a whole new chapter in my life.

I remember asking ‘Am I too old to do this?’ and the reply was you are never too old, they were absolutely right.

It guided me to a new way of being in the world where it was clear that the blocks we put in our way (it is too hard, too expensive, too scary, too daunting, too uncertain….) are seen as just that. Blocks that WE put in our way rather than beliefs we have that need to be looked at.

It showed me that I am not perfect just like everyone else (what a relief that was!)

It highlighted that when I do my best I feel good but that my best will vary depending on many factors and circumstances from time to time.

It allowed me see that life is not what happens to me but it happens for me and I create my experience of it. That one took a while to see and accept…

It helped me identify what I really value and appreciate and enjoy and how I could have a life based on that.

It has lead me to meet and work with amazing people who are on their journeys and I get to walk alongside them for part of it and for that I am constantly grateful and inspired.

About Marian Byrne and Associates

For well over a decade now I have worked with hundreds of people helping them improve the quality of their life situation as it is and then building the confidence, skills and direction they need to move towards the one that they want. I help them be all of who they are and have the life they know they want.

I run customised workshops, seminars and programmes for companies and teams around dealing with change, improving communication and personal effectiveness, mindfulness and self-care and resilience….amongst others.

As a lead facilitator and skills assessor, I have over 10 years’ experience working with The Irish Lifecoach Institute running their Business and Executive Coaching courses.

I have also, over the past 12 years, worked with parents in an innovative new approach to parenting helping them to apply coaching skills within their own lives and families with amazing results for everyone in the family.

Prior to the above I worked with Bank of Ireland for 18 years.

About Marian Byrne

I am the mum of three Peter, Niall and Ann-Marie who keep me on my toes and young and make every day worthwhile.

I wholeheartedly love life and people.

My Motto or Mission for life to ‘Be Open, Be Honest, Be Real….Live, Love, Laugh’.